Frameby | Sekyazar - İzlenenler
Tehlikeli Oyun (Poker Face) (2022)
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (The Count of Monte Cristo) (2024)
Sleep of the Crow (2023)
A Hero of Our Time (2023)
Dune: Part Two (2024)
Anatomie d'une chute (Anatomy of a Fall) (2023)
Çöl aslanı (The Searchers) (1956)
Garip Bir Çift (The Odd Couple) (1968)
Kahkahalar kralı (The King of Comedy) (1982)
Histoire immortelle (The Immortal Story) (1968)
Esrar bitti (The Panic in Needle Park) (1971)
Oyuncular (The Player) (1992)
Tereddüt Çizgisi (Hesitation Wound) (2023)
Beomjoedosi4 (The Roundup: Punishment) (2024)
Waterloo savaşı (Waterloo) (1970)
Cam Perde (Glass Curtain) (2023)
Aniden (Suddenly) (2022)
Merakli Adamin 10 Günü (10 Days of a Curious Man) (2024)
Hayat (Life) (2023)
Ölümlü Dünya 2 (Mortal World 2) (2023)
Çok Ask (Too Much Love) (2023)
Yusuf ile Kenan (1979)
Moartea domnului Lazarescu (The Death of Mr. Lazarescu) (2005)
Kocası ve Aşığı (La règle du jeu) (1939)
The Innocents (1961)
Birleşen Kalpler (The Big Sleep) (1946)
Son darbe (The Killing) (1956)
Doktor Caligari'nin Muayenehanesi (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari) (1920)
Paranın Rengi (The Color of Money) (1986)
Hayalet süvari (Sleepy Hollow) (1999)