Frameby | Philosophy - İzlenecekler
Tutku çemberi (White Palace) (1990)
Arslanı Kuzulara (Lions for Lambs) (2007)
Yargısız infaz (Rendition) (2007)
50 cesur kemancı (Music of the Heart) (1999)
Dancing at Lughnasa (1998)
Annem Uğruna (One True Thing) (1998)
Marvin'in odası (Marvin's Room) (1996)
Defending Your Life (1991)
Yaşamın Kıyısından Kartpostallar (Postcards from the Edge) (1990)
Sonsuz matem (Ironweed) (1987)
Bolluk (Plenty) (1985)
Benim Afrikam (Out of Africa) (1985)
Sophie'nin Seçimi (Sophie's Choice) (1982)
Gece (Still of the Night) (1982)
Fransız teğmeninin kadını (The French Lieutenant's Woman) (1981)
Kramer Kramer'e karşı (Kramer vs. Kramer) (1979)
Son Ana Kadar (We Live in Time) (2024)
Die weiße Massai (The White Massai) (2005)
The Age of Stupid (2009)
Ossos (1997)
The Death & Life of John F. Donovan (2018)
Noce blanche (White Wedding) (1989)
Café Transit (Border Café) (2005)
Cunk on Life (2025)
Toata lumea din familia noastra (Everybody in Our Family) (2012)
Cunk on Britain (2016 - )
Kurye (The Courier) (2020)
Arıcı (O melissokomos) (1986)
Kitera'ya Yolculuk (Taxidi sta Kythira) (1984)
Le otto montagne (The Eight Mountains) (2022)