Frameby | Mehmet72 - İzlenenler
Garip Doktor (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964)
Casino (1995)
Cazcı kardeşler (The Blues Brothers) (1980)
Köpeklerin günü (Dog Day Afternoon) (1975)
Kara Bela (Trouble on Wheels) (2015)
İşte İngiltere Bu (This Is England) (2006)
Müfreze (Platoon) (1986)
Küs Kardeşler Limited Şirketi (The Darjeeling Limited) (2007)
Thelma ve Louise (Thelma & Louise) (1991)
Uzay Oyunları (Ender's Game) (2013)
Project X (2012)
Bir geyşanın anıları (Memoirs of a Geisha) (2005)
Mavi Yasemin (Blue Jasmine) (2013)
Başımıza Gelenler! (Life as We Know It) (2010)
Babamın penguenleri (Mr. Popper's Penguins) (2011)
İftarlık Gazoz (Iftarlik Gazoz) (2016)
Selfless (Self/less) (2015)
Gece Hayvanları (Nocturnal Animals) (2016)
Korkak Robert Ford'un Jesse James suikasti (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) (2007)
Frankenweenie (2012)
Felekten Bir Gece Daha (The Hangover Part II) (2011)
Malcolm X (1992)
Uzay Yolcuları (Passengers) (2016)
X-Men Başlangıç: Wolverine (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) (2009)
Yeraltı (Underground) (1995)
Dönüş (Volver) (2006)
Ben X (2007)
The Following (2013 - 2015)
Dag II (The Mountain 2) (2016)
Yol (The Road) (2009)