Cyberpunk, Retrofütürist, Tech Noir, Distopia, Steampunk

276 film veya dizi
Dünyanın efendisi (Master of the World) (1961)
Büyük yarış (The Great Race) (1965)
The Time Machine (1960)
Roket adam (The Rocketeer) (1991)
Makas eller (Edward Scissorhands) (1990)
80 günde devriâlem (Around the World in Eighty Days) (1956)
Muhteşem kahramanlar (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) (2003)
Memorîzu (Memories) (1995)
Sky Captain ve yarının dünyası (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004)
Iron Sky (2012)
Le voyage à travers l'impossible (An Impossible Voyage) (1904)
Geleceğe Dönüş 3 (Back to the Future Part III) (1990)
Geleceğe Dönüş (Back to the Future) (1985)
Vahşi vahşi batı (Wild Wild West) (1999)
Cronos (1992)
Atlantis: Kayıp İmparatorluk (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) (2001)
Richard III (1995)
Genç Frankenstein (Young Frankenstein) (1974)
Frankenstayn (Frankenstein) (1931)
Esrarengiz ada (Mysterious Island) (1961)
Frankenstein Unbound (1990)
Ay'a Seyahat (From the Earth to the Moon) (1958)
The Island at the Top of the World (1974)
Kurtların kardeşliği (Le pacte des loups) (2001)
Altın pusula (The Golden Compass) (2007)
Demir dev (The Iron Giant) (1999)
Forbrydelsens element (The Element of Crime) (1984)
The Invisible Man (2000 - 2002)
Kırmızı Kanatlar (Kurenai no buta) (1992)
Define gezegeni (Treasure Planet) (2002)