Frameby | Busraarslanturkoglu - İzlenecekler
Possession (The Night the Screaming Stops) (1981)
Üç ruhlu kadın (The Three Faces of Eve) (1957)
Kuşlar (The Birds) (1963)
Zindan Adası (Shutter Island) (2010)
İlk korku (Primal Fear) (1996)
Altın Eldiven (Der goldene Handschuh) (2019)
Kesik (The Cut) (2014)
Sefer Tası (The Lunchbox) (2013)
Kara Büyü (Gokseong) (2016)
Un monde (Playground) (2021)
Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
Do Not Disturb (2023)
2046 (2004)
Cehennemde İki Devre (Két félidö a pokolban) (1961)
Yüz (Twarz) (2018)
Nakarat (Reprise) (2006)
Napo (2020)
Satranç (Schachnovelle) (2021)
Yabancı (Exil) (2020)
Son Düello (The Last Duel) (2021)
Hiçbir Zaman Burada Değildin (You Were Never Really Here) (2017)
Alle Anderen (Everyone Else) (2009)
Der Wald vor lauter Bäumen (The Forest for the Trees) (2003)
Vicdanın Sesi (Chaharshanbeh, 19 Ordibehesht) (2015)
Tokyo Hikâyesi (Tôkyô monogatari) (1953)
Harb Esirleri (La grande illusion) (1937)
Yurttaş Kane (Citizen Kane) (1941)
Viridiana (1961)
Kısa Tesadüfler (Brief Encounter) (1945)
Bir Şehir Katilini Arıyor (M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder) (1931)