Frameby | BirKusOlsam - İzlenenler
Ibo ile Güllüsah (1977)
Yurttaş Kane (Citizen Kane) (1941)
Gothika (2003)
Günahlar (Mask) (1985)
Son Mohikan (The Last of the Mohicans) (1992)
Indiana Jones Son Macera (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) (1989)
Oyun Gecesi (Game Night) (2018)
Son samuray (The Last Samurai) (2003)
Stajyer (The Intern) (2015)
Altına hücum (The Gold Rush) (1925)
Kamçılı adam (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) (1984)
Spectre (2015)
Orijinal cinayet (ler) (Righteous Kill) (2008)
Bülbülü Öldürmek (To Kill a Mockingbird) (1962)
Çifte Tazminat (Double Indemnity) (1944)
Avengers: Sonsuzluk Savaşı (Avengers: Infinity War) (2018)
Senin Adın (Kimi no na wa.) (2016)
Bak şu köpeğe (The Shaggy Dog) (2006)
Gerçeğe Çağrı (Total Recall) (1990)
Siyam balığı (Rumble Fish) (1983)
Batman (1989)
İngiliz hasta (The English Patient) (1996)
Aşk Denizi (Sea of Love) (1989)
Beklenmeyen Şahit (Witness for the Prosecution) (1957)
Skyfall (2012)
Soapdish (1991)
Okula dönüş (Back to School) (1986)
Duyguların Rengi (The Help) (2011)
Beasts of No Nation (2015)
Quantum of Solace (2008)