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Sôten Kôro
- Season 1, Episode 26
S1,E1 - Episode #1.1
S1,E2 - Episode #1.2
S1,E3 - Ogre of the North Gate
S1,E4 - Feast of Flames
S1,E5 - Vessel of the World
S1,E6 - Souten Ishi
S1,E7 - Heaven, Earth, Man
S1,E8 - The King's Men of Hellfire
S1,E9 - Dong Zhuo Proceeds to the Capital
S1,E10 - Rival Chiefs, Rise
S1,E11 - Mizuzeki
S1,E12 - Sonkin's Death
S1,E13 - Devil King Versus Devil God
S1,E14 - Today's Beginning
S1,E15 - Black Storm
S1,E16 - Ten ko hou tai
S1,E17 - Sousou and Ryuubi
S1,E18 - Soushi's Visions
S1,E19 - The Monkey and the Dragon
S1,E20 - Immobile Devil
S1,E21 - Pure Soldier
S1,E22 - Ryofu's Legend
S1,E23 - Divine Will and Thunder
S1,E24 - Surrender and Escape
S1,E25 - Hakuba tsu
S1,E26 - The Heart's Darkness