Vernon Wells's movies and tv series

The Price We Pay (2022)
Debt Collectors (2020)
Glass Jaw (2018)
The Perfect Weapon (2016)
Relentless Justice (2015)
Jurassic City (2015)
The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! (2010)
Someone's Knocking at the Door (2009)
King of the Ants (2003)
Power Rangers Time Force (2001)
Sexual Response (1992)
Fortress (1992)
The Shrimp on the Barbie (The Boyfriend from Hell) (1990)
Circuitry Man (1990)
Innerspace (1987)
Commando (1985)
Weird Science (1985)
Mad Max 2 (Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior) (1981)