Sergey Bondarchuk's movies and tv series

¡Que viva México! Da zdravstvuyet Meksika! (¡Que Viva Mexico!) (1979)
Oni srazhalis za rodinu (They Fought for Their Country) (1975)
Bitka na Neretvi (The Battle of the River Neretva) (1969)
Voyna i mir IV: Pierre Bezukhov (War and Peace, Part IV: Pierre Bezukhov) (1967)
Voyna i mir (War and Peace) (1965)
Voyna i mir I: Andrey Bolkonskiy (War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky) (1965)
Seryozha (Serge) (1960)
Sudba cheloveka (Fate of a Man) (1959)