Rosario Dawson oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Terminator Zero (2024 - )
Haunted Mansion (2023)
Ahsoka (2023 - )
DMZ (2022 - )
Clerks III (2022)
Calls (2021 - )
Eden (2021)
Dopesick (2021)
Annem Yaşasın (The Water Man) (2020)
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
The Last Kids on Earth (2019 - 2021)
Briarpatch (2019 - 2020)
Wonder Woman: Kan Bağları (Wonder Woman: Bloodlines) (2019)
Sessiz ve Derinden 2 (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) (2019)
Zombieland 2 (Zombieland: Double Tap) (2019)
Süpermenler Hükümdarlığı (Reign of the Supermen) (2019)
The Death of Superman (2018)
Koruyucular (The Defenders) (2017)
Saplantı (Unforgettable) (2017)
Adalet Birligi Karanliktakiler (Justice League Dark) (2017)
Lego Batman Filmi (The Lego Batman Movie) (2017)
Ratchet & Clank (2016)
Adalet Birliği Genç Titanlara Karşı (Justice League vs. Teen Titans) (2016)
Porto Rikolular Paris’te (Puerto Ricans in Paris) (2015)
Adalet Birliği: Atlantis Tahtı (Justice League: Throne of Atlantis) (2015)
Aşka Tutunanlar (Parts Per Billion) (2014)
Günah Şehri: Uğruna Öldürülecek Kadın (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For) (2014)
Tinker Bell ve Canavar Efsanesi (Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast) (2014)
Zirvedeki Beş (Top Five) (2014)
Kayıp Çocuk (The Captive) (2014)
Trans (Trance) (2013)
Gimme Shelter (2013)
Fire with Fire (2012)
Hotel Noir (2012)
Five (2011)
Girl Walks Into a Bar (2011)
Hayvan Bakıcısı (Zookeeper) (2011)
Durdurulamaz (Unstoppable) (2010)
Percy Jackson & Olimposlular - Şimşek hırsızı (Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief) (2010)
The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009)
Wonder Woman (2009)
Explicit Ills (2008)
Kartal göz (Eagle Eye) (2008)
Yedi yaşam (Seven Pounds) (2008)
Ölüm geçirmez (Death Proof) (2007)
Dehşet gezegeni (Grindhouse) (2007)
Descent (2007)
Rent (2005)
Günah şehri (Sin City) (2005)
This Girl's Life (2003)
The Rundown (2003)
Asılsız Haber (Shattered Glass) (2003)
25. saat (25th Hour) (2002)
Siyah giyen adamlar II (Men in Black II) (2002)
The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)
Love in the Time of Money (2002)
Sidewalks of New York (2001)
Chelsea Walls (2001)
Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
Aşağıdakiler (Down to You) (2000)
Light It Up (1999)
Oyunun Galibi (He Got Game) (1998)