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Ne Gemiler Yaktim (2023 - 2024)
Gönül (Heartsong) (2022)
Rabiye Kurnaz gegen George W. Bush (Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George W. Bush) (2022)
Brev til Kongen (Letter to the King) (2014)
Bîranînen li ser kevirî (Memories on Stone) (2014)
Mavi Ring (The Blue Van) (2013)
Güzelligin On Par' Etmez (Deine Schönheit ist nichts wert) (2012)
Pandora'nin Kutusu (Pandora's Box) (2008)
Beynelmilel (The International) (2006)
Kilomètre zéro (Kilometre Zero) (2005)
Fotograf (The Photograph) (2001)
Günese Yolculuk (Journey to the Sun) (1999)