Michael Nyqvist's movies and tv series

A Hidden Life (2019)
Du forsvinder (You Disappear) (2017)
Madiba (2017 - )
Frank & Lola (2016)
The Girl in the Book (2015)
Colonia (The Colony) (2015)
The Hundred Code (100 Code) (2015)
The Girl King (2015)
John Wick (2014)
La ritournelle (Paris Follies) (2014)
Days and Nights (2014)
Zero Hour (2013)
Europa Report (2013)
Disconnect (2012)
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)
Kvinden der drømte om en mand (The Woman Who Dreamed of a Man) (2010)
Millennium (Dragon Tattoo Trilogy) (2010)
Luftslottet som sprängdes (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest) (2009)
Män som hatar kvinnor (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) (2009)
Flickan som lekte med elden (The Girl Who Played with Fire) (2009)
Kautokeino-opprøret (The Kautokeino Rebellion) (2008)
Downloading Nancy (2008)
Arn: Tempelriddaren (Arn: The Knight Templar) (2007)
The Black Pimpernel (2007)
Underbara älskade (Suddenly) (2006)
Bang Bang Orangutang (2005)
Äideistä parhain (Mother of Mine) (2005)
Naboer (Next Door) (2005)
Så som i himmelen (As It Is in Heaven) (2004)
Dag och natt (Day and Night) (2004)
Smala Sussie (Slim Susie) (2003)
Bäst i Sverige! (We Can Be Heroes!) (2002)
Grabben i graven bredvid (The Guy in the Grave Next Door) (2002)
Hans och hennes (Making Babies) (2001)
Tillsammans (Together) (2000)
Vägen ut (Breaking Out) (1999)