Michael Angarano oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Laid (2024 - )
In a Relationship (2018)
I'm Dying Up Here (2017 - 2018)
Caddeler (Avenues) (2017)
Sun Dogs (2017)
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
Wild Card (2015)
The Knick (2014 - 2015)
Empire State (2013)
İngilizce Hocası (The English Teacher) (2013)
The End of Love (2012)
The Brass Teapot (2012)
Çapraz Ateş (Haywire) (2011)
Şeytanın İni (Red State) (2011)
Ceremony (2010)
Savaş Geyikleri (Gentlemen Broncos) (2009)
Yasak krallık (The Forbidden Kingdom) (2008)
Kar Melekleri (Snow Angels) (2007)
Man in the Chair (2007)
Black Irish (2007)
Bondage (2006)
Kahramanlar Okulu (Sky High) (2005)
One Last Thing... (2005)
Sevgili Wendy (Dear Wendy) (2005)
The Dust Factory (2004)
Little Secrets (2001)
Şöhrete Bir Adım (Almost Famous) (2000)
50 cesur kemancı (Music of the Heart) (1999)