Karl Markovics oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Resistance (2020)
Gizli Bir Yaşam (A Hidden Life) (2019)
Karanlık Lanet (The Dark) (2018)
Kongens Nei (The King's Choice) (2016)
Ağustosta Sis (Nebel im August) (2016)
Lída Baarová (The Devil's Mistress) (2016)
Ich und Kaminski (Me and Kaminski) (2015)
Süskind (2012)
Die Vermessung der Welt (Measuring the World) (2012)
Nanga Parbat (2010)
Kalpazanlar (Die Fälscher) (2007)
All the Queen's Men (2001)
Komm, süsser Tod (Come Sweet Death) (2000)
Late Show (1999)
Indien (India) (1993)