Jørgen Langhelle's movies and tv series

Skyggenes dal (Valley of Shadows) (2017)
Pionér (Pioneer) (2013)
Varg Veum - De døde har det godt (The Dead Have It Easy) (2012)
The Thing (2011)
Kautokeino-opprøret (The Kautokeino Rebellion) (2008)
Mannen som elsket Yngve (The Man Who Loved Yngve) (2008)
Ulvesommer (Wolf Summer) (2003)
I Am Dina (2002)
Elling (Me, My Friend and I) (2001)
Bare skyer beveger stjernene (Only Clouds Move the Stars) (1998)
Søndagsengler (The Other Side of Sunday) (1996)