James Gammon oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Tepedeki Mezarlik (The New Daughter) (2009)
Sislerin içinden (In the Electric Mist) (2009)
Jesse Stone: Sea Change (2007)
Altered (2006)
Don't Come Knocking (2005)
Gümüs sehir (Silver City) (2004)
Monte Walsh (2003)
Hayatin hakkini ver (Life or Something Like It) (2002)
Kasaba Ayilari (The Country Bears) (2002)
Demir dev (The Iron Giant) (1999)
Sifir Noktasi (Point Blank) (1998)
Logan's War: Bound by Honor (1998)
Düzenbaz (Traveller) (1997)
Nash Bridges (1996 - 2001)
Vahsi Bill (Wild Bill) (1995)
Truman (1995)
Cabin Boy (1994)
Major League II (1994)
The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993)
Leaving Normal (1992)
Zor Yillar (CrissCross) (1992)
Coupe de Ville (1990)
Öldüresiye sevmek (I Love You to Death) (1990)
Ihtiras (Revenge) (1990)
Birinci takim (Major League) (1989)
Milagro Fasulye Tarlasi Savasi (The Milagro Beanfield War) (1988)
Made in Heaven (1987)
Sehir kovboyu (Urban Cowboy) (1980)
The Pom Pom Girls (1976)
Macon County Line (1974)
Vahsi kahraman (A Man Called Horse) (1970)