Jacqueline McKenzie oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Force of Nature: The Dry 2 (2024)
The Convert (2023)
Malignant (2021)
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears (2020)
Palm Beach (2019)
Occupation (2018)
Harmony (Immortal World) (2018)
Alfa Geçidi (The Gateway) (2018)
Mental (2009)
Opal Dream (Pobby and Dingan) (2006)
The 4400 (2004 - 2007)
Şeftaliler (Peaches) (2004)
Aramızda kalsın (Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood) (2002)
Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang) (Kiss Kiss) (2001)
On the Beach (2000)
Mavi korku (Deep Blue Sea) (1999)
Mr. Reliable (1996)
Angel Baby (1995)
Romper Stomper (1992)