Guy Pearce oynadığı filmler ve diziler

The Brutalist (2024)
Kefenler (The Shrouds) (2024)
The Convert (2023)
The Clearing (2023)
A Spy Among Friends (2022)
The Infernal Machine (2022)
Memory (2022)
Tom Clancy'den Acımasız (Without Remorse) (2021)
Zone 414 (2021)
Back to the Outback (2021)
Bloodshot: Durdurulamaz Güç (Bloodshot) (2020)
Huzur Bozanlar (Disturbing the Peace) (2020)
Domino (2019)
Yeni Yıl Şarkısı (A Christmas Carol) (2019)
Son Vermeer (The Last Vermeer) (2019)
Tutarsız Adam (Spinning Man) (2018)
The Innocents (2018)
Eş Değiştirme Safarisi (Swinging Safari) (2018)
When We Rise (2017)
Jack Irish (2016 - 2021)
Fırtınalı Hayatlar (Genius) (2016)
Cehennem (Brimstone) (2016)
Results (2015)
Takip (The Rover) (2014)
Jack Irish: Dead Point (2014)
Iron Man 3 (Iron Man Three) (2013)
Breathe In (2013)
Aşk ve Nefret (Hateship Loveship) (2013)
Prometheus (2012)
İsyan (Lockout) (2012)
Kanunsuzlar (Lawless) (2012)
Jack Irish: Black Tide (2012)
Jack Irish: Bad Debts (2012)
Mildred Pierce (2011)
İntikamın Bedeli (Seeking Justice) (2011)
33 Postcards (2010)
Karanlıktan Korkma (Don't Be Afraid of the Dark) (2010)
Kusursuz Kurban (In Her Skin) (2009)
Yol (The Road) (2009)
Gerçek masallar (Bedtime Stories) (2008)
Winged Creatures (Fragments) (2008)
Hain (Traitor) (2008)
Ölümcül tuzak (The Hurt Locker) (2008)
Öldüren cazibe (Death Defying Acts) (2007)
First Snow (2006)
Edie (Factory Girl) (2006)
Kanlı Teklif (The Proposition) (2005)
İki kardeş (Deux frères) (2004)
The Hard Word (2002)
Monte Cristo Kontu (The Count of Monte Cristo) (2002)
Zaman tüneli (The Time Machine) (2002)
Till Human Voices Wake Us (2002)
Vur emri (Rules of Engagement) (2000)
Akıl Defteri (Memento) (2000)
A Slipping-Down Life (1999)
Yırtıcı (Ravenous) (1999)
Los Angeles Sırları (L.A. Confidential) (1997)
Dating the Enemy (1996)
Priscilla Çöller Kraliçesi (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) (1994)