Aitana Sánchez-Gijón's movies and tv series

Respira (Breathless) (2024 - )
La jefa (Under Her Control) (2022)
Madres paralelas (Parallel Mothers) (2021)
Thi Mai, rumbo a Vietnam (2017)
El club de los incomprendidos (The Misfits Club) (2014)
Velvet (2013 - 2016)
Maktub (2011)
Bosque de sombras (The Backwoods) (2006)
The Machinist (2004)
La puta y la ballena (The Whore and the Whale) (2004)
Io non ho paura (I'm Not Scared) (2003)
Volavérunt (Volaverunt) (1999)
La femme de chambre du Titanic (The Chambermaid on the Titanic) (1997)
A Walk in the Clouds (1995)
Boca a boca (Mouth to Mouth) (1995)