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Fakat Müzeyyen Bu Derin Bir Tutku (2014)
Virtüoz (The Soloist) (2009)
Kayıp Kız (Gone Girl) (2014)
Erkekler Ne Söyler Kadınlar Ne Anlar (He's Just Not That Into You) (2009)
The Story of Luke (2012)
Sihirbazlar Çetesi (Now You See Me) (2013)
Enigma (The Imitation Game) (2014)
Arkadaştan Öte (Friends with Benefits) (2011)
Aşkın kitabı (Becoming Jane) (2007)
Kelebegin Rüyasi (The Butterfly's Dream) (2013)
Tatil (The Holiday) (2006)
Bir Gün (One Day) (2011)
Whiplash (2014)
Yeşil Yol (The Green Mile) (1999)