Frameby | halime - İzlenenler
Gladyatör (Gladiator) (2000)
Milyoner (Slumdog Millionaire) (2008)
Titanik (Titanic) (1997)
Truman Show (The Truman Show) (1998)
Umut Işığım (Silver Linings Playbook) (2012)
Piyanist (The Pianist) (2002)
Yeşil Yol (The Green Mile) (1999)
Akıl Defteri (Memento) (2000)
Sevginin Gücü (Léon) (1994)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Avatar (2009)
Benjamin Button'ın tuhaf hikâyesi (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) (2008)
Hobbit: Smaug'un Çorak Toprakları (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) (2013)
Yukarı Bak (Up) (2009)
Matrix (The Matrix) (1999)
Başlangıç (Inception) (2010)
V - V for Vendetta (V for Vendetta) (2005)
3 Aptal (3 Idiots) (2009)
Dövüş Kulübü (Fight Club) (1999)