Frameby | cimcini - Watched
In Cold Blood (1967)
Il conformista (The Conformist) (1970)
Stagecoach (1939)
Hakkari'de Bir Mevsim (A Season in Hakkari) (1983)
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
Strella (A Woman's Way) (2009)
Le nom des gens (The Names of Love) (2010)
Arrugas (Wrinkles) (2011)
Sette note in nero (The Psychic) (1977)
Fellini - Satyricon (Fellini Satyricon) (1969)
Laurence Anyways (2012)
Conducta (Behavior) (2014)
Crimson Peak (2015)
Mænd & høns (Men & Chicken) (2015)
Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun) (1979)
Before I Wake (2016)
Elena (2011)
Akibiyori (Late Autumn) (1960)
Détective (Detective) (1985)
Passion (Godard's Passion) (1982)
Una pura formalità (A Pure Formality) (1994)
Cashback (2006)
Réalité (Reality) (2014)
Sisanje (Skining) (2010)
Excision (2012)
Ouija (2014)
The Clinic (2010)
Angst (Schizophrenia) (1983)
Eskalofrío (Shiver) (2008)