Az Bilinirim; Ama Sevilirim

128 movies or tv shows
Benedetta (Blessed Virgin) (2021)
Rauf (2016)
200 Meters (2020)
Kurz und schmerzlos (Short Sharp Shock) (1998)
Michael Collins (1996)
Nirgendwo in Afrika (Nowhere in Africa) (2001)
Sunshine (The Taste of Sunshine) (1999)
A Civil Action (1998)
Stray (2020)
Kedi (Nine Lives: Cats in Istanbul) (2016)
Aaahh Belinda (Oh, Belinda) (1986)
Den skyldige (The Guilty) (2018)
Bedoone Tarikh, Bedoone Emza (2017)
Shiva Baby (2020)
Dark Waters (The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare) (2019)
Richard Jewell (2019)
Hiroshima mon amour (Hiroshima Mon Amour) (1959)
Histoire de Marie et Julien (The Story of Marie and Julien) (2003)
Oliver Twist (1948)
Love's Brother (2004)
Away from Her (2006)
The Life Before Her Eyes (2007)
Salinjaui gieokbeob (Memoir of a Murderer) (2017)
La faute à Fidel! (Blame It on Fidel) (2006)
Paper Moon (1973)
Carmen (1983)
Kvinden i buret (Department Q: The Keeper of Lost Causes) (2013)
Fasandræberne (The Absent One) (2014)
Flaskepost fra P (A Conspiracy of Faith) (2016)
Journal 64 (Purity of Vengeance) (2018)