
179 movies or tv shows
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
High Hopes (1988)
Benny's Video (1992)
Secrets & Lies (1996)
Ivanovo detstvo (Ivan's Childhood) (1962)
L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (The Gallery Murders) (1970)
Izgnanie (The Banishment) (2007)
Inferno (1980)
La pianiste (The Piano Teacher) (2001)
Caché (Hidden (Caché)) (2005)
Tenebre (Tenebrae) (1982)
Taxidermia (2006)
Clerks (1994)
Onibaba (1964)
American Psycho (2000)
Umberto D. (1952)
Ah-ga-ssi (The Handmaiden) (2016)
Bande à part (Bande à Part) (1964)
Paterson (2016)
37°2 le matin (Betty Blue) (1986)
Neco z Alenky (Alice) (1988)
Network (1976)
Topio stin omihli (Landscape in the Mist) (1988)
Prozac Nation (2001)
Possession (The Night the Screaming Stops) (1981)
Lilja 4-ever (Lilya 4-Ever) (2002)
Tanin no kao (The Face of Another) (1966)
Hotel Chevalier (2007)
Nightcrawler (2014)