Frameby | Mine.Ce - İzlenecekler
Sihirli Orman (Into the Woods) (2014)
Zirveye Giden Yol (The Ides of March) (2011)
Time Lapse (2014)
İntihar Dükkânı (Le magasin des suicides) (2012)
Wikileaks: Beşinci Kuvvet (The Fifth Estate) (2013)
Romeo & Juliet (2013)
13 Günah (13 Sins) (2014)
Dünyanın Sonu (The World's End) (2013)
Fantastik 4: Gümüş sörfçü'nün yükselişi (4: Rise of the Silver Surfer) (2007)
Siyah Giyen Adamlar 3 (Men in Black³) (2012)
Yeşil Fener (Green Lantern) (2011)
Denek 7 (Boy 7) (2015)
The Machine (2013)
Repo Men (Repossession Mambo) (2010)
4. Tür (The Fourth Kind) (2009)
Sonsuzluk Projesi (Project Almanac) (2015)
Uzay Oyunları (Ender's Game) (2013)
Across the Universe (2007)
Casuslar Köprüsü (Bridge of Spies) (2015)
45 Yıl (45 Years) (2015)
Büyük Açık (The Big Short) (2015)
I Origins (2014)
Yalanın İcadı (The Invention of Lying) (2009)
Taşkınlar Kulübü (The Riot Club) (2014)
V - V for Vendetta (V for Vendetta) (2005)
The Hateful Eight (2015)
Knight of Cups (2015)
Brooklyn (2015)
Göklerin hâkimi (The Aviator) (2004)
Küçük Balık (Little Fish) (2005)