Gerçek Yaşam Öyküsü Uyarlaması (Based on a true story)

390 film veya dizi
One Life (2023)
Adolescence (2025 - )
Demir Kadın: Neslican (Demir Kadin Neslican) (2023)
Enrico Piaggio - Un sogno italiano (2019)
Los dos hemisferios de Lucca (Lucca's World) (2025)
Profesör Marston ve Wonder Women (Professor Marston and the Wonder Women) (2017)
Wasp Network (2019)
Back to Black (2024)
My Penguin Friend (2024)
80 for Brady (2023)
The Duke (2020)
Unstoppable (2024)
Gran Turismo (2023)
Nr. 24 (2024)
Wielka woda (High Water) (2022)
Blue (2017)
Cep Herkülü: Naim Süleymanoglu (Pocket Hercules: Naim Süleymanoglu) (2019)
Zaferin Rengi (Color of Victory) (2024)
The Six Triple Eight (2024)
Maradona: Sueño bendito (Maradona: Blessed Dream) (2021)
La virgen roja (2024)
Il Divin Codino (Baggio: The Divine Ponytail) (2021)
Big George Foreman (2023)
Pelé (2021)
IB 71 (2023)
Hijack '93 (2024)
Özgürlük (Libre) (2024)
The Flying Scotsman (2006)
The Polka King (2017)
Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley (2024)