Kar, Kış...ve Yeni Yıl

83 film veya dizi
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Çılgın Yılbaşı (Mixed Nuts) (1994)
Zengin ve Sefil (Trading Places) (1983)
Sen uyurken (While You Were Sleeping) (1995)
Noel Baba (The Santa Clause) (1994)
Yeni Yıl Soygunu (Bad Santa) (2003)
Kitap Hırsızı (The Book Thief) (2013)
Ölüm Kitabı (Misery) (1990)
Everest (2015)
Cinnet (The Shining) (1980)
Şey (The Thing) (1982)
Buz devri (Ice Age) (2002)
İnsanlık Yolu (With Honors) (1994)
Annem Uğruna (One True Thing) (1998)
Charlie'nin çikolata fabrikası (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) (2005)
Cehennem silahı (Lethal Weapon) (1987)
Zor Ölüm (Die Hard) (1988)
Zor Ölüm 2 (Die Hard 2) (1990)
Batman Dönüyor (Batman Returns) (1992)
Elf (2003)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Hediye Operasyonu (Arthur Christmas) (2011)
Tatil (The Holiday) (2006)
Aile babası (The Family Man) (2000)
Kutup ekspresi (The Polar Express) (2004)
Grinç (How the Grinch Stole Christmas) (2000)
Benim Gecem (Scrooged) (1988)
29. Cadde (29th Street) (1991)
Sil Baştan (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) (2004)