Celso Bugallo oynadığı filmler ve diziler

El buen patrón (The Good Boss) (2021)
Paramedik (El practicante) (2020)
Kar Altında Palmiyeler (Palmeras en la nieve) (2015)
O Apóstolo (The Apostle) (2012)
Amador (2010)
Sultanes del Sur (Sultans of the South) (2007)
Pudor (Modesty) (2007)
La noche de los girasoles (The Night of the Sunflowers) (2006)
Salvador (Puig Antich) (Salvador) (2006)
İçimdeki deniz (Mar adentro) (2004)
La vida que te espera (Your Next Life) (2004)
Güneşli pazartesiler (Los lunes al sol) (2002)